Friday, May 3, 2019

The history of a picture that changed the world.

In 1987, Poland had its first Heart Transplantation surgery. It took a humongous 23 Hour time to perform the transplantation. We, as the common citizens, probably might have never thought about the things a medical team goes through before, during and after completion of the operation. The picture that was taken after the historic abovementioned operation took place demonstrates us the same and goes a long way to literally change the perception the world has towards the doctors.
Chosen by National Geographic as the best picture of 1987, you can’t afford to miss looking at this picture. Here’s a link to the same-

1.      Social Media Post
Headline: What does it feel like doing MBBS?
The stereotype about Doctors, rather Medical students is that they have to give the greater part of their lives towards studies. But is it right to simply keep our insight about them in such short explanations. A splendid response to the inquiry "What does it feel like doing MBBS" was answered by a fourth year medical student, Ankit Karan, which divulges the school life of Medical understudies , how their lives just not spins around books, exams and dissection. It goes far influencing us to trust medical college holds as much fun as some other school does and how much patient and better a student end up being after five years at a medical college. The Link to the Quora answer is here-

2.      Article
Headline: Top 5 challenges facing Doctors right now.
The parts and duty of the doctors are of most significance in this period. The expanding request is adding to doctors confronting a great deal of difficulties in their lives. As the world advances towards new age, the medical field needs to keep itself in pace with the dynamic world. Blogger Smitha Gopal, in her article explains what challenges encompasses the medical field and how the specialists confront this difficulties.
Here’s a link to the article-

3.      Social Media Post
Headline: Why are liver transplants so costly?
We always wonder why surgeries, especially liver transplants are so costly. Many-a-times, we think that they might be some kind of scam to exhort money out of the hands of the vulnerable patients. But is it really the case. Vinay Kumaran, a Liver transplant surgeon, in his brilliant answer to a question "Why are liver transplants so costly?" explains the things a layman might not know that goes in the process of such life deciding operations. The answer isn't less than an eye opener for the sceptics, and makes us thank the doctors for the contribution they are providing towards the humanity.

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