Friday, May 3, 2019

Bad Habits: Overcome with some easy to follow tips

A person is judged through his or her habits. People who are not inherently associated with your daily activities, mentally create an image of you by just following your habits. So, your social acceptance, and success in professional life largely depend on your habits. Needless to say, bad habits can completely ruin your social and professional life. Just think of some neighbors or colleagues whom you don’t prefer or whom you will never invite in a dinner, you can immediately list up dozens of habits of these people, which are really annoying for the others. So, you also need to be alert about the same in your case. Just introspect, is there any habit that can spoil your social or professional relations, and hold up your professional progress?
Some common bad habits
Being a social creature, every human seeks social approval of his or her acts and activities. The same thing is also applicable in a professional environment. As a whole, you need to interact with neighbors, visitors, service providers, retailers, colleagues, boss, and many other people all through the day.
You need to have some knowledge on the most common bad habits that often spoil a smooth communication and in the long run can create a bad image of a person in the social and professional realm. Here are some of them -
Criticizing, blaming, and complaining - These are the most common bad habits of people irrespective of their culture, tradition or profession. You will always find some individuals who just start talking by criticizing, blaming, or complaining a third person who is not present at that moment. Again, you will find many others who will always try to demean your image in public. These people try to create easy attention, but they don’t understand that these bad habits ruin their relations in the long run.

Interrupting the speaker - This is another bad habit of people. Everyone wants to speak and listen less. Psychologists opine that people who listen to the others attentively, and then responds get wider social acceptance and professional success. Interrupting a person, when he or she is expressing an incident or delivering his or her opinion, is not a good gesture from your part.
Disrespect for another person’s professional and personal life - You will often come across some people within your community or in the office, who are not ready to recognize other’s success, hard work or profession. These people are too much busy in describing their own success stories; they are habituated to interrupt another person who is just telling his or her own experience. Disrespect for a colleague’s or neighbor’s personal or professional life and showing that impertinence through gestures and words are simple bad habits.
Besides, numerous other behaviors are recognized as bad habits in the social or professional realm. The problem is that an individual doesn’t possess any idea that these types of habits are slowly and unknowingly distancing him or her from the other persons with whom he or she needs to interact every now and then. On the contrary, hushing up these bad habits is not a tough job. Just remain conscious about your activities and lifestyle to spot any socially or professionally unacceptable habit.


  1. Very nice tips, very informative. There were other numerous behaviors that are recognized as bad habits. And yes in the long run, these bad habits may ruin your relationship. It's time to change those bad habit into Good habits
